Individual and Small Group Sessions
Gong Baths
Come and have listen and hear the gongs play their incredible, powerful, harmonies and sounds and feel the vibrations washing through your body on a cellular level.
A Gong Bath focuses on mainly gongs (an hour of gongs alone) with other beautiful instruments added into the session. Each session is unique for you and you will never have the same experience repeat itself, so let go of any expectation you may have and surrender to the sounds and vibrations
The wonderful thing about gongs is that it doesn't matter if you are awake or asleep, a busy or a still mind. The gongs will work on a level that is right for you.
There are 10 gongs in total and any number maybe played at any one time.
The whole session is very intuitive, and a safe space for you to simply be, to take time for you.
Gongs are very therapeutic and the deep resonant sounds have profound and powerful effects on many levels
Cost £50 a session
Contact me for booking your private session on 07719770660
(It is better to contact me by phone as i seem to often go into spam boxes when I reply to emails!)
I look forward to hearing from you
Love and namaste
Tibetan Bowl Massage sessions
Session includes using the bowls directly on the body, lasts an hour
Clients remain fully clothed throughout (please avoid metal and buttons on tops and trousers if possible)
Cost - £40 a session
Four Hour Gong Bath
Next Date TBA
limited spaces are available - booking is essential
Contact for further details on 07719 770660 or email
Spend 4 hours resting and sleeping with the gongs being played continually - a very powerful and profound experience.