Cyril, made his debut on Riviera FM today here he is with Sallys Gong
Gonging It! - HOLISTIC FIBRO FIGHTER blog by Jane Taylor
About four years ago, having been given my diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, I spotted a Gong meditation advertised locally, not knowing what to expect, I went along, it was the most amazing experience ever. Afterwards I felt transformed, alive and knew I wanted more.
Some months went by and I found an advert for a Gong bath, I just knew I had to go. I was still having extreme pain in all my joints, I had received acupuncture that had assisted in the mobility coming back into my hands. I just wanted to be able to walk again, taking a cocktail of drugs to take the edge off the pain, but it was the deep, aching pain in my knees, hips, ankles and feet the really bothered me. More than anything I wanted my life back.
I went to Lupton House near Brixham feeling slightly apprehensive, there I met this amazing lady called Sally. She is a Sound Therapist and was going to play singing bowls, other instruments and the most amazing gongs. I lay down on the floor with my cushion to rest my head and a blanket to keep me warm. The only way I can describe what happens during a gong bath, is to say you need to experience it……….. Afterwards I hardly had any pain, I was able to walk.
A couple of times a year Sally organises an all-night gong bath, where you bed down for the night and the gongs play continually, it is a wonderful experience and I feel so alive in the morning, every cell in my body feels massaged and regenerated.
Over the years Sally has acquired new gongs and each one produces an incredibly rare and almost etheric, out of space sound, my brain is unable to make sense, as no tune is played and my body can relax, letting it go into a very restful phase, often a deep sleep.
No, you do not take all your clothes off for this kind of bath, you snuggle up fully dressed in your nest of blankets, pillows, foam mattress or whatever makes you feel comfortable. You don’t have to lie on the floor, you can sit in a chair, and you could stand up and walk around if you really wanted to; though I have not seen anyone do this yet. When I tell people I am having a Gong bath, they reply, ‘Oh yes’ and then a say ‘A what?’ You need to give it a go, feel it for yourself.
I find a Gong Bath to be a very effective form of pain relief. The great thing is, it takes no effort at all to receive this holistic treatment, and you just let the sound waves wash over you. I try to have one at least once a month as part of my Fibromyalgia pain management programme. Thanks to Sally and the Gongs; I have got my life back.
I am Jane Taylor, The Holistic Fibro Fighter. Having lived with Fibromyalgia myself, I have always sought out unique and transformational ways to manage my symptoms and improve my overall wellbeing. Let me share my journey and the tools I have discovered! Visit to book a discovery call, explore my wellbeing & healing sessions, learning experiences, downloadable resources and more!
Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to experience a Gong & Sound Bath within the ancient and mysterious Kents Cavern in Devon. This has undoubtedly become one of the most extraordinary moments of my life. I’m excited to share this experience with you and while it’s taken me some time to find the right words, I hope it inspires you to explore the opportunities that present themselves in your own life.
A Historic Site
Kents Cavern, a historical landmark with protected status, is a network of ancient caves rich in archaeological treasures. Formed during the Devonian period, approximately 400 million years ago, the limestone cave system exudes a timeless and mysterious atmosphere. The air within the cavern is cool, damp, and imbued with a sense of ancient wisdom, creating a palpable energy that connects you to the very heart of the Earth.
If you haven’t yet experienced the wonders of Kents Cavern, even without the added benefit of a gong bath, it’s truly worth a visit. This fascinating cave system offers a glimpse into the lives of our ancient ancestors. People have been exploring the area or as it has been known, Kents Hole, since the Stone Age. The thick floors of the cave concealed the animal and human populations of the Ice Ages, preserving a wealth of archaeological treasures.
Over time, excavations have uncovered thousands of artifacts, including the remains of cave bears, woolly mammoths, cave lions, hyenas and even a fragment of human jawbone. Additionally, archaeologists have unearthed tools that provide valuable insights into the daily lives and activities of our ancient ancestors within the caves and the surrounding area.
A Special Invitation
My dear friend Sally, who has been a constant presence in my healing journey, invited me to join her at Kents Cavern on the Autumn equinox. I knew it would be a sacred and special occasion. Sally, a dedicated sound practitioner for over twelve years, possesses exceptional expertise in harnessing the power of sound. There was no way I would decline such an invitation to accompany her and the gongs for a unique experience of her playing in the caves.
A persistent headache had plagued me throughout the day, despite my attempts to alleviate it with pain medication. However, I was determined not to let my physical discomfort prevent me from pursuing experiences that enrich my soul. Upon arriving in Torquay, I noticed that the headache had subsided, and it completely disappeared as I entered the caves.
Exploring the Cavern
Once the seven-gongs were arranged, we prepared our comfortable nests for lying down or reclining, a process I often compare to birds building their homes. We then embarked on a short tour of the cavern, descending the slope towards the lower galleries. As I walked, I felt a profound connection to the Earth’s energies within the cave system, a connection I’m eager to explore further in the future.
Furthermore, I even sensed an energy line, marked by a familiar burp as I crossed over it in one area and then again in another chamber known as the Rockies. This chamber, adorned with stalactites and stalagmites, also features a striking rock formation that resembles a dragon’s head.
We ventured through the winding passages to the Cave Bears’ den, where darkness descended upon us. The complete blackness was overwhelming, and in this chamber, scallop shells were discovered that our ancient ancestors may have used as candle holders, filled with animal fat. We then continued our exploration, visiting another exhibition area before returning to the entrance cavern, which housed the Hyenas’ den and served as the location for the gong bath.
A Transformative Experience
There’s something truly special and profound about being in this place and witnessing the extraordinary opportunity that I had been invited to participate in. It felt as though the stars had aligned for me on this occasion.
Once we had settled into our nesting spaces, the lights were dimmed, and the soft glow of candles illuminated the cavern. The ancient atmosphere was filled with a sense of wonder and reverence as I prepared for this special moment. Enveloped by 400-million-year-old-rocks that were once part of a tropical sea south of the equator, filled me with a deep sense of awe, privilege and connection to something so much bigger than myself.
Sally guided us to focus on our breathing before beginning to play. The first gong resonated throughout the cavern, enveloping me in its soothing vibrations and promoting a sense of relaxation. The sound penetrated deep into my being, easing my muscles and calming my mind, helping me to settle into the present moment.
Despite the cave’s constant temperature of 14°C, I experienced alternating sensations of warmth and coldness during the gong bath, as if I were traveling through different time- periods, I would imagine that the ice ages were extremely chilly given how cold I seem to feel. This was a particularly intriguing aspect of the experience, adding to the surreal and otherworldly atmosphere of the cavern.
The Healing Power of Sound
The deep, resonant tone of the gongs seemed to permeate every cell of my being, creating a truly transformative experience. As the session progressed, a symphony of different gongs filled the space, offering a powerful yet soothing sound. At times, I closed my eyes, allowing myself to be carried away by the vibrations. At other moments, I gazed at the rock formations above, imagining different animals and faces. I felt transported on a journey, joining ancestors around a fire and even the sensation of being guided outside the cave, in a landscape covered by trees.
In addition to the gongs, Sally played a crystal bowl, large Tibetan bowls, a rain column, and her beautiful Koshis. I felt enveloped in a cocoon of music and sound. The unique acoustics of the cavern amplified the vibrations, sending them downwards and creating a truly immersive experience. I could feel the vibrations resonating on the very walls and floor of the cave, enhancing their healing properties. With Sally, it’s primarily gongs, as she believes less is more and that there’s no need for a multitude of instruments.
Reflection and Integration
A period of complete silence at the end of the gong & sound bath allowed me to integrate the sound and reflect on the profound impact it had on my mind, body, soul, and spirit. Lying on the cave floor with a yoga mat and a sheepskin rug, I felt a sense of deep humility and connection to the vastness of the universe. Time seemed to stand still, and suddenly, two hours later, Sally was guiding us out of the sound journey, ensuring our complete return to reality.
The most profound aspect of the sound healing for me was the deep connection I felt to our ancestors, the animals that once inhabited the cavern and Mother Earth herself. I was filled with gratitude for having the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful and unforgettable occasion. Beyond the physical sensations and transformative sounds, I also felt a heart-centred emotional connection, as if I were being embraced by the wisdom of the ages, held within the very walls of the cavern. The experience was so transformative that it took me several days to fully process the energy and integrate it into my being.
As I left the cavern and headed towards the car park, a Tawny Owl called out from the area above the caves, reminding me of the wisdom that can be gained through transformative experiences. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to top this one, but who knows what the future holds! As I got into my car, I noticed that the dull pain of my headache had returned, a stark reminder of the profound healing space I had encountered in the past few hours.
Jane Taylor The Holistic Fibro Fighter
As The Holistic Fibro Fighter, this journey into The Heart of the Earth as described in this blog highlighted the power of seeking out unique and transformational ways to support my wellbeing. It is this passion for transformation that has led me to evolve my business from Taylor Made Therapy to Jane Taylor, Facilitating Wellbeing & Inspiring Learning.
By stepping into my own name, Jane Taylor, I’m embracing the freedom to explore new avenues, the flexibility to adapt to the changing needs of the clients I work with, and the opportunity for self-discovery.
Ready to embark on your own journey? I’m dedicated to supporting individuals and organisations in achieving their goals. Let’s work together to unlock your full potential and discover the transformative power of selfcare and personal growth.
Explore my range of services at
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More About Sally Free – Sounds For The Soul
Discover the transformative power of sound healing with Sally Free. Sally offers personalised and group sessions using gongs, Tibetan bowls, and more. Enjoy stress relief, improved sleep, and enhanced well-being. While sessions are not generally held in a cave, Sally’s unique approach creates a deeply relaxing atmosphere.
Find out more
Kents Cavern – Prehistoric Caves, Torquay, Devon
Immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of Kent’s Cavern, a historic cave system with stunning acoustics and natural beauty. This captivating destination offers a variety of experiences, including Christmas carols and other events
Find out more
A Final Note
My time at Kents Cavern with Sally and the other wonderful souls who shared the sound journey on that Autumn Equinox was truly unforgettable. The unique setting, combined with the powerful vibrations of the gongs, created a deep connection to all that has been, is, and will be. I am truly grateful to both the seen and unseen forces that made this possible. With love and blessings. Thank you.
Reset your mind, body and soul - HOLISTIC FIBRO FIGHTER blog by Jane Taylor
Wouldn’t it be good if we could press the reset button and our body went back to factory mode setting; well only if you were manufactured with the perfect body to start with. Now that is wishful thinking! I am thinking of more a life, before chronic pain took hold. I started the reset process in my body this month with a Gong Bath, it was amazing, I fell asleep, when I woke up I was startled at how bright it was, despite the cloudy day. This can sometimes happen after a therapy, you suddenly become aware of nature and things seem so much more emphasised, larger, louder, clearer, softer…… it was like I had gone into default mode, experiencing a rebirth moment. It has been a while since I had a full dedicated gong bath that was not on a retreat or at a festival. My body went yes, this is OK, I remember this, wow, sleep, rest………RESET!
I decided this month to experience a totally new type of sound therapy to me. It is using the very old and ancient sound of the Tibetan bowls, where the bowls are played and placed on and around the body. I am always up for trialling any type of holistic treatment that may assist in the management of my pain caused by fibromyalgia, I decided not to have any other therapies whilst I gave the bowls ago, so that I could really judge the impact of them on my body.
My first session was interesting, having previously experienced the crystal bowls I was not sure what to expect for this treatment. I was made to feel comfortable on the therapy bed, then gently held by my ankles which were pulled to open my chakras, (please just stay with this, if it all sounds a bit weird). I then had my chakras dowsed to see which were unbalanced and to determine which bowls would be used. I then turned over onto my stomach with my head up near most of the bowls positioned on the floor. Bowls were gently placed along my spine and each encouraged to sing. I must be honest at this point; to begin with I did not enjoy it. It made me feel sick. Then gently the bowls were moved up and down my body. When a bowl was removed to be replaced by another one, I could feel my body tensing and I was in half a mind to ask her to stop. As with most therapies I have discovered that you need to give it a go and sometimes more than once; as it is the bodies way of adjusting to a new stimulus, or as I like to think pressing the factory reset button.
When I turned over to lay on my back and have the bowls placed on my front I felt this fear of dread and sick to my very core, not what I was expecting from a relaxing Tibetan bowl therapy session! However, I continued to persevere with the treatment. At the end as with most sound therapy there is a small amount of silence allowing the body to integrate and the body’s cells to absorb what has happened. It was then suggested that I would need a further two sessions to really feel if there was a benefit.
Following the first session, over the next few days I did feel less pain and tension in my hips, knees and ankles. I then became quite unwell I think possibly a virus, which knocked me sideways, I found that I was unable to do much over the weekend with little energy, a nasty cough, sore throat and a nose that would not stop running. I almost cancelled my appointment for the 2nd treatment, but I woke up feeling better. I was uncertain if the treatment had caused this or if I had picked up a virus, I will never know.
Having the second Tibetan bowl treatment could not have been so different from the first, although the session was structured the same. My body seemed to be more accepting of the sound vibration and when the bowls were being moved on my back It felt comforting and cocoon like, I could feel the very bronchioles deep within my lungs being massaged. Now that is a bit weird! The whole time the bowls were being played I did not cough once, my nose did not run, I was left feeling more energised. I was told that having dowsed my chakras, they indicated that my immune system was compromised.
My third session again was very different, my body was accepting of the treatment and no feelings of dread or sickness. Only two bowls were used on me this time and one was so deep and reverberating I had a feeling that it was ‘searching for my soul’, there was a concentration on my hips, knees and ankles and each time a joint was reached, the bowl was gently chimed. The vibrational feeling went right into the centre of each one, so very powerful. During the silence at the end I had a sensation of going back very quickly through a star-studded black void and then just as quickly shooting forward into a bright sparkling light as if going through granite, I then felt grounded. It was like past, present and future rolled into one; my mind, body and soul reset; very surreal.
After the session had ended I asked about the big deep sounding bowl, that seemed to be searching for my soul, it was explained that it was the largest bowl and usually is not moved around the body as the magnetic handle placed within it, will not normally hold. It decided to hold for me, maybe what my body needed.
How am I feeling now? Different, I can’t quite explain what has happened; it is as though something has shifted deep in my core, my soul feels lighter, balanced, grounded at one with by body. I have not noticed any pain. If that’s what happens after three session I daren’t even begin to imagine if I continue to have more. Sound therapy for me is an incredibly important part of my pain management plan, giving me the opportunity to press the reset button…….