Come and experience being bathed in sound and have the vibrations wash through you on a cellular level whilst being bathed in the sounds of the gongs and other instruments.
Stand in one of the 6 Large 50 cm Tibetan Singing Bowls and 1 large 45 cm Bowl before the gongs start to allow the mind and body to let go of the outside world, to come into the space, to become present.
The sounds emanating from the gongs are difficult for the human brain to follow. You may drift off to a deep relaxing sleep or meditative state. This may happen a few times during a gong bath session and everyone’s experience will be different. It will also be different for the same person each time that they have a gong bath. It is very good at relieving stress, easing pain, and when the planetary gongs are used they can result in psychological and emotional changes. The Gongs that I use play during a session are a mixture of planet, symphonic tam tam and wind gongs.
Chao Gong 48" Tuned to F# (The Heart)
A beautiful, strong and powerful sound and vibration that is described as coming up through the floor underneath the body and then up through the body taking with it energies that are in need of moving through and being released. Letting go
An incredible deep resonant sound that encompasses the whole body
Paiste Symphonic Gong 40" Tuned to "B", "A" and "C"
Symphonic gongs contain the fullest range of tones; these create a mysterious, expanding and harmonious blend of resonating tones, bringing wisdom and purity. The Symphonic gong is an amazing healing gong that holds a deeply healing space and a fantastic 'all-rounder'.
Symphonic gong holds the space for the shamanic journeys
Paiste Symphonic Gong – 38”
Symphonic gongs contain the fullest range of tones; these create a mysterious, expanding and harmonious blend of resonating tones, bringing wisdom and purity. The Symphonic gong is an amazing healing gong and a fantastic 'all-rounder'.
Symphonic gong holds the space for the shamanic journeys
Sedna Gong - 38" 3rd Octave C-128,10 Hz A-430,88 Hz
Sedna works with both the Base chakra and Third Eye chakra's
The mythology of Sedna is surrendering to the present situatin in life on a personal level and entering the unknown, about creating blance in our lives. Simply being in the moment and also connecting with power aniamls in the Shamanic way.
Sun Gong 38" (B1) The Sun gong works on the solar plexus and heart chakras. It strengthens our sense of purpose and will power and develops one's vision. A door from one world to another - It is energising, purifying, opens the heart and promotes self confidence and personal power. It is associated with astrological sign of Aries.
For shamanic journeying the Sun gong helps our journeys to the upper world to connect with our guides and animals
Earth Gong 38” (C sharp) The sound is mysterious dark and unfathomable, yet knowing and kind (tuned to the 'Om' of the universe). It opens the heart and promotes development of compassion and love in its purest form. It also helps with balance, alignment and renewal. It is a very grounding gong connecting us with the earth. It is associated with the heart chakra.
For shamanic journeying the Earth gong helps to enter the lower worlds and connect with our power animals
Pluto Gong – 36” (C Sharp 2) The Paiste Pluto 36 inch gong facilitates transformation of energy or a situation within, integrating new ways of being. Pluto stands for growth and transcendence. Pluto breaks down the old and aids the rebuilding process on a new and higher level. It is tuned to the note C Sharp and is associated with the star sign of Scorpio. It is also associated with the root/base chakra.
Aids in Shamanic journeying as it helps to clear blockages enabling us to journey to the lower and upper worlds easier.
Pheonix Sacral Chakra Gong - 38" Tuned to "D" (Hand crafted by Michal Milas) Amazing Sacral Chakra gong with pheonix engraved into the bronze surface with Sacral Chakra symbol. Associated with relationships, love, compassion, emotional stability, sensuality, intimacy and connection. Located in the pelvic area.
Wind Gong 40" (notes C and G) it is a wonderfully Earthy gong that produces deep earthy sounds. It helps to balance us and our opposites within us of Masculine/Feminine, Yin/Yang
For Shamanic Journeys it helps us to enter the lower worlds also
By prior appointment all of the above gongs are available to have a gong bath or how about having a go at playing?
Please email or on 07719770660